Monday, December 1, 2008

mps.. crap in your oatmeal.

By George Saunders

Saunders, blunt and yet without a dull moment begins his short story “Winky” in a quite intriguing way. He captures our attention by using a play on words and gives the reader a sort of leading role in the introduction of the story.

“An actor in a ripped flannel shirt stumbled across the stage with a sign around his neck that said “You”.
“I’m lost!” You cried. “I’m wandering in a sort of wilderness!”
“Hey, You, come on over!” shouted a girl across the stage, labeled “Inner Peace.”
“I bet you’ve been looking for me your whole life!”

He also introduces a few characters, Self Absorbed, Blames Her Fat on Others, Disappointed and Too High Strung to Function, who also try to find their way to Inner Peace.

In this candid way, Saunders addresses a few things that keep us from the harmony of mind, body and soul and reminds us that everyone has this same basic need. And in doing so, even before we come to know his miserable circumstance with “crazy-looking, too religious, needs her own place” roommate Winky, Saunders brilliantly helps the reader to relate to main character, Neil.

But for me Saunders uses this play on the word “You” best as the introduction of lesson he plans to teach the reader on the individual level. Although he tells Neil’s story in “Winky”, the piece is not actually about Neil or Winky. Their story is only a part of Saunders’ short story and doesn’t even come along until after he tells the reader exactly what he has to say. By doing this Saunders makes this story about you. Not “You” the actor but you the reader.

So what is this great lesson Saunders shares in hopes to help you find inner peace?

“Don’t let anybody crap in your oatmeal!”

It’s funny, it’s vulgar, it’s practical and quite genius. It’s very Saunders

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