Monday, November 3, 2008

civil war and the bad decline

Cilil War and the Bad Decline starts out , Whenever a potential big investor comes for the tour the first thing I do is take him out to the transplanted Erie Canal Lock. We've got a good ninety feet of actual Canal out there and a well-researched diorama of a coolie campsite. Were our faces ever red when we found out it was actually the Irish who built the Canal.The title story, about a Civil War theme park terrorized by teenaged gangsters, though at first I was unable to understand what was going on, I found this captivating and wanted to continue reading on. I found Saunders to be captivating and funny throughout reading I found myself laughing out loud. I think his descriptions come alive through humor, and help the reader continue on and stay interested. The main character explains how he has no better career options and works at a theme park, how him and his wife are not doing as well as they could , and feels like he may be a slave to his boss.The book has many characters , the people who attend the theme park and usually writes in a first person , thus far. The theme park is getting taunted by a gang, and the main character wants to take care of what is happening at his theme park. For the most part, I enjoy the stories, the way the author writes. but a lot of times i felt like he was asking too much of me as a reader, the stories to far out that i have trouble suspending my belief. at times they read like an madlib, combining five completely unrelated subjects into one short story.

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