Monday, November 10, 2008

Comment on “Every Tongue Shall Confess” By ZZ Packer

Firstly, I got a kick out of the length of the name of the church and how Sister Clareese never shortened the name but continued to repeat “Brother’s Church Council of Greater Christ Emmanuel Pentecostal Church of the Fire Baptized.” I liked the way ZZ Packer used italics to exaggerate or emphasize words in dialogue. As if, while you are reading you are getting the attitude of the character through the emphasis on certain words. When the father was preaching about call-waiting, for example, you can almost hear the ring of it and his voice. Jeeeee-uz did not tell his Daddy- ‘I’m sorry, Pops, but my girlfriend is on the other line’; Jeeeee-zus – never told the Omnipotent One, ‘can you wait a sec… Jeeeeeeee-zus – never told Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, ‘I’m sorry but I got to put you on hold…” While reading this I almost heard the preachers’ voice in my head. Emphasis on words is something everyone does in reality and I thought it was interesting that Packer incorporated it in to her stories.

Posted by: Krista Behrends

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